Sunday, October 12, 2008
Moving to A New Place!?
I come to tell you that I'm moving the blog over to yet another blog site. For those of you who wonder why I keep changing sites is because some fellow bloggers tell me about these different blog websites and I came across this one and thought the background themes are more interactive and for some reason it just feels right.
Even though I don't have the money to buy out my own website yet, but since the blog websites are free I thought I'd take the opportunity to use this.
To get to the new blog address click Here!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Dragon Ball Teaser Trailer... WTF!!!!!
This is going to be the worst adaption to film in the history of all film. With all the modern expensive cars (Does that not say Product placement?), and the ridiculous clothes.
This is where the subject of my "Work with creators to make a bigger (And obviously better) movie. But what do I know I'm just a fan, and not some Hollywood exec.
However I will go and watch it just out of curiosity.
Friday Rant: Star Wars

It was 1995 when I first saw episodes 4-6 (Hey I'm only 21!!) So that would mean I was eight when I saw them. When "May the Force Be With You" was held with such a religious undertone, it was made biblical. However I cared little for Luke and Obi, Their child like encounters and interactions did not interest me in the least. I wanted to know the Dark side of the force and how it came to be. I wanted to know the truth behind why the Jedi and Sith hate each other so much.
But of course I was let down.
My childish ambitions for giant space battles were quenched, and my hatred for George Lucas grew when he promised greatness for the next prequels of the trilogy and didn't deliver!
Now I will admit that Lucas is an amazing storyteller, and knows how to show it. But as George Lucas gets older so does his creativity and passion for respecting the fans.
I would write more but I just don't have it in me.
Sequel... or... Prequel?!?!

“between the Battle of Thermopylae and the Battle of Plataea”
So, let me get this straight the next movie will begin in the middle of the first and than lead through to the next. I'm confused, why would they do that? It doesn't make any sense. I would have just left it as is, I'm not big on sequels to movies that don't need them.
If the studios are just making this for more money I don't see why they don't just make an entirely new film, instead of just leeching more money from a franchise that don't need another one. All that being said I will still go see it, just because I'm huge fan of Zack Snyder.
We're F&$%ing Warner Brothers!!!
To be honest I never understood why people get so worked up over a movie, especially Harry Potter! I mean come on people its just a movie...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
"Mass Effect" Being Brought the the Silver Screen by Avi Arad

In 2006, Arad resigned his position as CEO of Marvel studios to form his own company, Avi Arad Productions. He still acts as executive producer on all Marvel films and television projects.
With his own company, it appears that he is targeting video game adaptations with this Mass Effect project as well as a film based on the Lost Planet video game, which was confirmed this summer.
Mass Effect was developed by Bioware, the creators of the super-successful Knights of the Old Republic (the best Star Wars game ever!!). It is published by Electronic Arts (EA) and was released exclusively on the Xbox 360 console and later the PC.
I would actually love to see this made into a movie. Me and my other Co-host (who refuses to do any podcasts with me, sorry folks) Jeremy were arguing about which game they should make into a movie and this one was on the top of the list. To be honest I was never to big on the idea of a Film "Adaptation" of a Video Game. So many things can go horribly wrong, awful casting, a bad story, neck-breakingly horrific graphics, and (The Kicker!!) Cliché Dialogue.
Of course it has it's flaws, but every game and movie does. I just hope they don't screw it up like they always do. But at least we have Arad on our side. Then again, he did Fuck us over when he said that Galacticus wasn't going to be a storm cloud!! and that spider-man 3 was going to be better then the first two!!!
That's like saying that George Lucas can make a Serious, Dark, and Awesome Star Wars trilogy. You've lost your touch after 4 thru 6. HA!!! (I hope I don't get sued hhaa haha...)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Meghan Fox is a stuck up bitch!! NOT!!
When I first saw this video all I could do is laugh at Shia's reaction to Meghan's slaves.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Is Maguire being Bought off?
It is reported that Maguire is set to earn a record $50 million dollars for the back-to-back shooting next summer over 6 months. What makes this deal even more unique is that Maguire is only expected to be working HALF DAYS! I wish I could work half days for 50 dollars, let alone the quarter of a million Tobey Maguire will earn every day (unless I’ve done my maths wrong, which is quite probable).
I did enjoy Tobey as Spidey but now I think they should hand the spider powers over to someone else, someone without an annoying lisp. I can believe him when he's playing Peter Parker but I just can't take him seriously as Spider-Man. Way to much emotion and not enough smart ass humor.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Goblin Man of Norway Review

Top 10 Video Games That Would Make Good Movies.

The Reason I put halo as the number 10 is because no one wants to touch the rights to this game. I don’t think this will ever make it to the majestic silver screen for this one reason: Apparently its hard to have a story around someone who almost never talks and you never see his face. Uh! HELLO!!! If the main character just does what he does without spitting huge amounts of exposition then that’s probably the great main character in the history of film (in my eyes anyways).

This game has one of the coolest premise of any game since golden eye. Just the idea is interesting, One man taking down terrorist organizations by using the shadows, come on! That kicks so much ass!!

I remember playing this game on my old ass windows computer. If this game was made into a movie you can have so many sequels to this movie explaining different factors of NOD or GDI. Plus if they work closely with the creators they could come up with really amazing stuff.

This is one of those games that you thought was going to be a horrible game, but once I started playing this game I realized that it amazing visuals would translate well to the big screen. Plus it lets people know that Indians are still important in some ways.

Yes, I am aware that they are making this game into a movie, seeing as how I’ve left a very long comment on practically every movie new website out there explaining how the director is an idiot and how I’m never going to see any of his movies ever again. Why? Because putting a love story into the original Redemption story has got to be the stupidest move this director could make! I think this movie will flop but here’s hoping for another adaptation sometime in the future.

Not only did this game looks absolutely breathtaking but the music was fantastic. The storyline kept me interested as well. The story follows a man named Edward Carnby who cant remember has past. He gets thrown into the madness when he mets this old man and a woman. And Plus I believe I found the perfect person to play Edward Carnby, his name is Collin Cunningham (He starred in Stargate Sg-1)--->

The visuals in this game are enough to tell you that this game would make an excellent movie. The story is strange and has a hint of dark wonder imbedded within it.

I wont say much about the gameplay but the storyline fits between the Lord of the Rings Franchise and Narnia. If they can convey they story without getting to close the fore mentioned criteria it could work.

This was something that suck with me since it’s release to the NES. Not only does this game have the potential to bring a new face to the franchise, it could boost for yet another games release. Plus you can bring yet another lead female role to the screen. (but hopefully they choose correctly) God, If they put any of the Resident Evil girls in this I’ll be pissed!!

I gave the Number one spot A lot of thought, and my co-host all agree with it. This game SHOULD be made into a film. Now, I say this in all seriousness. There is no love story in this game. It hints to it but it never goes anywhere. If the writer or director pulls a love story out of there ass and puts it in this movie. I will go on a killing strike!!! This game has the most beautiful visuals in any game I’ve played. And not only that but the storyline is actually original, and it has a true science fiction untune that just pulls me in more and more as it progresses through the story. Think Vanilla Sky meets Kingdom of Heaven.
Spaceballs: The Animated Series
Another sad note, only two of the original cast are returning for this, Mel Brooks himself will be playing as President Scroob/Yogurt. Daphne Zuniga as the Druish Princess Vespa (who recently returned to the drama scene as Brooke’s manipulative mom on One Tree Hill.
Monday, September 1, 2008

First comes word that you had the lowest box office totals for summer 2008; next furious fanboys worldwide want to rip you a new one over your Watchmen lawsuit; and now some acclaimed directors are beginning to speak out about what a soul-crushing, creatively stifling cabal of evil your company truly is.
Babylon A.D. director Mathieu Kassovitz had no qualms about pointing the finger at executive meddling as the reason his film sucks. And now acclaimed director Alex Proyas is throwing up the finger (so to speak) in Fox’s face–and his displeasure is a veritable death sentence for what might have been one of the coolest comic book movie adaptations of all: The Silver Surfer.
Alex Proyas (Dark City, which if you haven’t seen, run, don’t walk and get the DVD) tried to play coy at first, telling eager reporters at this year’s Comic-Con that his involvement with The Silver Surfer flick was nothing but Internet rumor. However when MTV News Silver Surfer flick, but went on to give one very specific reason: spoke with Proyas, the director again axed any rumors that he was working on a
“Because it’s a Fox picture,” the ‘Dark City’ helmer said. “And I’m determined never to work with them ever again because of my experience on ‘I,Robot.’ "
I actually completely agree with Proyas on this one, however I did love I, Robot. That's a really bad move for the suits over at FOX. But they do have a habit fucking a lot of directors over, and a lot of television shows as well (such as, Firefly, Futurama, etc) but they arent't the only ones to do this to them.
It's not surprising in the least that the studios would screw over a show, even though its fan base is enormous, and even if they are continuing to sell, making a huge profit, plus new people keep buying them everyday. It's a strange thing to wonder whats going through there heads.
What so you all think?
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Babylon A.D. Review

The Good
I just plain loved this movie, This movie had the distinct feel of a Sci-Fi flick. Generally I'm not to big on the whole over-the-top sci-fi, but this film kicks it out of the park with its mix up special and Visual effects. You notice straight away that this movies gonna be awesome when you see Vin Deisel actually acted really well.
The Bad
Yes, the action doesn't start in the first two seconds of the movie. But there in lies the problem, there wasn't enough action to satisfy my need (Though the futuristic building of earth looked a lot like Blade Runner). Oh, and the story was so minimal I could have sworn it was never there! Yeah sure they had a 15 minute scene explaining the story but then BLAM! back into whatever it is. It was almost as if they thought you would figure out who those people who are chasing them are (Nope, I guess we'll just leave it a mystery until the very end then we'll hit them with a sequel)
God I hope not! especially after the ending to film happened, if they did make another one it wouldn't make sense.
This was an fun entertianing film to watch, and if they come out with a orchestral soundtrack all definitely pick that up.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Poor Man's Podcast Episode 1
The Way this podcast is going to work is like this, I search around the web for interesting movie news (About 3-5 things) and we sit around and talk about what we think of them, but at the end of all the questions we will then talk about things that we hate in movies that make us want to rant on about them.
I being the normal guy of the group am trying to get my other co-hosts to start writing on here as well. but that is something to talk about another day.
In today's episode we talk about these questions:
2) With the success of these comic book movie’s, do you think that because of their success that people will start to lean towards making a mainstream anime into a live action Hollywood film.
3) Superman Getting a Reboot
4) Dragonball may be canceled (Not!)
5) The Rise in comic book movies, if there was one comic or manga which would you choose to be made into a film.
6) Pac-man or Iron Man 2
7) Prince of Persia Vs. Warcraft
Thursday, August 28, 2008
3 New Posters (Ok! 2 new Posters)

I was ecstatic when I saw the first two posters, Any Movie with Gerard Butler I would definitely go see. Plus It's from the guys who made "Crank" and "Pathology". I really respect those guys as directors and writers. The Storyline Behind Game is about a man who is forced into this game world where people around the world control real people in a realist Video Game setting. It looks to be an interesting film.
Conan is a no brainer (it's to bad Arnold can't do it). I am not sure what they are going to do with this one. Maybe it's a remake or it could be a new vision of the original.
Tekken is something that will most likely flop. If it's anything like DOA was, I don't see how they can make a story out of a fighting game. This does tie into what I wrote earlier that If the studios had the creators help them more then maybe it would be somewhat decent enough to rent.
Spielberg Still Directing Tintin
Another post from the guys over at Obsessed with Film:
Rumors that Peter Jackson would be taking over the reigns on the first Tintin movie, replacing Steven Spielberg in their joint collaborate effort which was always going to see S pielberg direct the first movie.
If people who actually reported on these rumors used their heads for a second, they wouldn’t need official denials to deem them as being untrue. We know Jackson is…
A) Writing The Hobbit with Fran Walsh, Phillapa Boyens and Guillermo del Toro.
B) Is working on the lengthy post-production schedule for his next movie The Lovely Bones due out October 2009.
Basically, Jackson wouldn’t have the time to fully commit to Tintin and with Spielberg desperately trying to do this project for two decades, I would suggest that nothing will stop him now from helming this first feature. The first movie will be based on the classic stories “The Secret of the Unicorn” and it’s sequel “Red Rackham’s Treasure,” which were written by Tintin creator Herge between 1942 and 1944. Doctor Who writer Stephen Moffat has adapted the stories for screen. The movie will be motion captured animated with 18 year old actor Thomas Sangster playing Tintin and the chameleon Andy Serkis playing Captain Haddock.
Strangers 2 will come to pass.

By all accounts, it was a watchable, original and entertaining horror film. And it just so happened to make $52 million domestic, on a poultry $9 million budget… and during the summer movie season no less.
After much speculation, Rogue Pictures have officially greenlit a sequel to the film today which will reunite Liv Tyler with several of the villains from the original flick according to Variety. Rogue Pictures believe they have stumbled across “the next Saw franchise” and you know they will milk it as far as they can.
Yes, this film was scary, until an annoying fat chick (and her other annoying blond friends) would start screaming at the top of their lungs. It completely ruined the movie for me. Now, saying that won't stop me from seeing the sequel but I'll probably only see it for the guy who looks really similar to Scarecrow from Batman Begins.
This film probably won't make it past the sequel. The Saw movies are famous for it's Gorey scene's and intelligent twists in the story.
Keanu Reeves to Play Spike In the Live-Action Adaptation of Cowboy Bebop

I have been a Cowboy bebop fan since it's American release, And to finally hear that they have decided to make this is a fans dream. And I couldn't have picked a better actor to play as Spike Spiegel.
Now whether this movie will be based on the TV series or the Movie that came after it, I do not know. I Sure hope they do it on the TV series or maybe after the events of the movie. To be honest I wish that the American Studios would work more and more with the actual creators of the show instead of going on their own to create something (I mean look how Speed Racer turned out). If the writer of the Manga and TV Series came together and worked with the american directors to come up with something that both the japanese fan and American fan audience can enjoy will be the great collaboration in Anime to Movie History.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The fall of the Western genre and the rise of Spaghetti Westerns is disappointing to me.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Dragonball Cancelled, or what?

FilmJunk gave us this:
When it was first announced that a Dragonball movie was actually happening, a lot of people couldn’t comprehend how such an over-the-top, stylized animated series would possibly work in a live action setting. Then Stephen Chow came on board as a producer and suddenly it seemed like there might be hope. Of course, the movie was originally supposed to be ready for this summer, but Fox ended up pushing it back to April 2009. No official explanation was given, but some wondered if it might be the first sign of trouble. The fact that the movie also had no presence at the San Diego Comic Con only deepened suspicions.
This week we received word from an anonymous source that there may be some truth to this speculation after all. The higher-ups at Fox are not too impressed the footage that has been shot thus far, and are seriously debating shutting the whole thing down. Now I have no idea if this is a real possibility or if the studio is just putting pressure on director James Wong to deliver, but the movie supposedly has a budget of over $100 million and I can understand them wanting to cut some losses while they still can. The thing is, if this is all true, it only makes me that much more interested to see the movie. If it it’s strange enough to scare the suits, it’s gotta be good, right?
Plus the fact that they didn't have anything for the San Diego Comic Con probably pissed a lot of fans off.
But Rumours pass, we'll just have to wait and see.
World of Warcraft Movie? gave us this insight:
This clip is of the Cinematic Trailer for Blizzard Entertainment second expansion, "World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King." The game is expected to be available later this year.
Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have a Warcraft Movie based on the popular fantasy video game franchise in development. When the project was announced, it was said to be live-action with a "yet to be determined level" of CG environments and effects. The story would take place about a year before the events in "World of Warcraft" and would be told from the Alliance perspective. No release date for the big screen adaptation has been announced.
Ok, people. I love Huge Epic movies like Lord of the Rings or Star Wars (4, 5, and 6 fuck 1, 2, and 3). And this trailer for the newest game coming out would make an awesome movie. I don't see why those guys over at Blizzard didn't think about making their own version of the movie but in a fully CGI world (of Warcraft). It would make perfect sense. It's a computer game and the game itself in the cinematics they use plenty of CGI so why cant they make a Full 90 min CGI film.
I would definitely go see it. Why? Cause the music is beautiful, the visuals are astonishing, and well it's epic. That should be good enough.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Are the 3 A-list Directors Starting to lose their Touch?

This very confrontational idea came to me while watching a video of those great guys over at The Movie Blog.
The Idea is simply this, Are the 3 big name directors (Tarantino, Lucas, Spielberg) losing their love for directing films. Lucas and Tarantino for the most part seem to do nothing but put there name on a movie and they get most of the fame and money from the success of the film. Since I am a student of film making I don't see the logic in this.
If you grow up and always wanted to direct films, then why stop!? I can understand Lucas stopping since he has the multi-million dollar Lucasfilm, Skywalker Sound, THX. And the continued support from the Star Wars Re-released DVDs.
Tarantino's movie career has spread far and wide. However, his recent release could use some toning up (Grindhouse). And now his next film to which he has nothing to do with (hell Ride) kind of gets me somewhere between my nut sack and my colon. I would understand if your financing the film but I still don't get why he doesn't just make it himself instead of having someone else do it for you and just slapping your name on it for publicity sake.
Spielberg I really have no problem with, he never did anything like those other two mentioned earlier. He directed every movie that had his name on it. This I respect about the man (even if some of his movies weren't my favorite).
Now I'm not saying that I won't watch any of their movies anymore, I'm just saying that I've lost a lot of respect or them as directors.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Robert Downey Jr. Talks Iron Man 2

Fresh off an amazing, multi-layered comedic performance in TROPIC THUNDER, Robert Downey Jr. commented on Iron Man 2, saying that his goals for the movie included not following the superhero formula.
“Our goals are more of the same. The idea that he said he’s Iron Man in part 1…it’s one thing to say it, and it’s another thing to actually evolve to the point where you can live in a heroic fashion. You know, they say, ‘The superhero movie always needs to follow…’ and I said who is that guy? Get him out of here! We want to do what worked for us last time, in a way that evolves. We’re talking about a guy who is put in an extraordinary circumstance, and the people that are around him, and how that creates a sense of family, and how that disrupts whatever forces that we have to say that are working [in his life]. I like the idea of an Iron Man 2 that you’re able to understand various points of view. You’re able to touch on some subjects that are a lot more far reaching, while still grounding it in entertainment.”
What I great idea Downey Jr.! A story about people shrouded in familiarity. The idea of a superhero movie that involves more than just the main character is in my eyes a brilliant idea. When it comes to Downey Jr. He has made some really great films in the past half year (A Scanner Darkly,Charlie Bratlett, Iron Man, and Tropic Thunder) And because of these latest money making flicks he has great potential for other great roles. Such as his upcoming Sherlock Holmes film.
Bale's Alleged Assualt Charge Gone!

Batman star Christian Bale will not face charges relating to an alleged assault last month on his mother and sister, prosecutors said Thursday, suggesting their decision was based in part on the family members’ wishes. Christian Bale’s mother accused him of assault the night before the London premiere of “Dark Knight.”
These Allegations in my eyes was complete bullshit. Christian Bale doesn't seem like that kind of person to me. But than again From the show Day Break "Anyone is capable of anything". What I think happened is Some dude saw him yelling something at one of his family members (Dude, Everyone yells at a family member. I do all the time, it's just what families do.) and he took it way out of context and told some reporter, who then reported it to someone else and than came the police.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
New Prince of Persia Pics
Monday, August 11, 2008
1) Yes Man
2) Valkyrie
Kudos My friend for taking an interest in that time period.
3) Punisher: War Zone
but Don't get your hopes up about it. Apparently Tomas Jayne was training for month for this movie than when He found out that it was inevitably going to suck he left. Then during the editing stage the director got fired. So it's probably going to flop.
4) Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
This Movie I wasn't expecting anything amazing, but this trailer blow me away. I didn't really pay attention to the other movies nor did I bother to read after the second book, But I'm starting to think I should. Because just by watching each movie, and they get progressively darker and darker and the fan base keeps maturing along with the stories is a brilliant setup.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
3 mirror Posters up!

Though it's been a while since I've seen a good Korean Horror Remake that looks really interesting. To watch the trailer click here. It looks as though they placed the scares in the right places, and the gruesome scenes are good enough to make you flinch and look away.
All-in-all I'd have to say that finally they made a good Korean Horror Remake movie that doesn't come off as a rip off.
Why Does No One Tell The Story of Skeletor? Cause He-Mans A Stupid Character Anyway!
To be honest, I always liked He-Man even the one back when I was little, In Fact, that’s the one that I remember as being the best. And it got me thinking, why do people always like “The Good Guys” the guys who think that doing the right thing is the best way. Why do they never like telling the story of the bad guys.
Why has no one told this story? This story has the potential to be SO much more dark, and be told to a more mature and intellectual audience. Why do they have to have such an Amoral value to them. I mean he has got to be on the A list of original villains, along with others likes Shredder and Darth Vader, but one wants to touch this kid friendly franchise and turn it into something with such a grand scheme it rival’s that of 300 on a Epic Scale.
But, No one dares touch it. This I will never understand. Oh sure, they are coming out with an all new CGI He-Man but in the long run it will inevitably flop. Why you ask!? Well let me explain,
1) If it isn’t executed right then everyone will hate it.
2) If it’s to kid-friendly, no adult will EVER want to go see that! Not to mention that kid shows are getting more and more retarded.
3) The concept of them making a new one is absurd in my mind, It’s to late to get kids interested in an old TV character.
4) I’m getting really sick and tired of the whole “Kiddy mind manipulation” they pull in kids shows these days, you know what I’m talking about, He’s a nerdy kid who suddenly has the power of Greyskull, and he turns into this giant muscle bound hero. Please, I grew out of the bullshit “Kiddy Propaganda” when I was 7.
To me, Skeletor has always been a more interesting character then He-Man. He-Man is nothing more then your average Muscle hero who always seems to win over every obstacle that gets thrown his way. I really HATE that! I always wanted to know how Skeletor came to be the way he is, and why he does what he does. And I know that there has to be some back story as to why he hates He-Man so much, And I know a lot of you are going to say “It’s because Skeletor is evil, and He-Man has to stop his evil ways etc etc!” Well, you know what!? Some of us don’t buy that “Saturday Morning Bullshit!”
You want to know what I think happened. What if He-Man and Skeletor were once friends, and then one day He-Man up and decides that (younger, not bony) Skeletor is getting to powerful for his own good and betrays Young Skeletor in the midst of battle and leaves him for dead. But he survives and seeks revenge for his brethrens betrayal. Of course, He-Man being the arrogant, and cocky bastard that he is, denies it and continues to try and silence Skeletor from revealing the truth.
Please tell me what you think they should do to the He-Man Franchise, Continue it or dismiss it?
Friday, August 1, 2008
If Mr. Jackman didn't show up at Comic Con, then the movie would continue to get negative reviews and bad Press. But thanks to his honorable devotion to the character of wolverine and to the movie, he showed up not only to promote the movie but to show it the fans who have been dying to see and actually good adaptation to the Wolverine Franchise.
Now because he did this, EVERYONE is going to go see this movie. I know I am. Of course, this movie could end up being a whole hunch of shit, but I think that Hugh Jackman wouldn't sign onto a movie this would suck, Especially with this character that he grow to love to play.
All-in-all I hope this movie ends being good cause the trailer looks awesome.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Is Video Pirating Really A Bad Thing?
Now, I know, that a lot of movie corporations don't want that sort of stuff leaked out to soon. But as someone who doesn't have the money or the time to go to those sort of things I wish that the Corporations would be a little more lenient on the matter.
Saturday, July 26, 2008

If You haven't watched the show, DON'T READ any further. There are no spoilers but I do explain a lot of what happens with the (So-called) villain of the show.
Because it's pissing me off as to how repetitive this show is. Let me explain:
SEASON 1: A man named Gabriel Grey (aka Sylar) kills everyone how could have made a good character in the story. Every attempt at killing him gets foiled, even when they do have him he somehow manages to escape and kill more people (at this point I was extremely aggravated at the creators for being so stupid). So but the end of the season all my assumptions about the second series being lamer then this one were set.
SEASON 2: Sylar is Back but he doesn't have his powers anymore cause they gave him so kind of virus that will eventually kill him. But for some reason they keep showing his story throughout the entire 11 episodes of the season, with these two mexican people (Maya and her brother who eventually dies) but either why I hate their stupid storyline. Then by the end of the season he injects himself with something (I'm not saying what it is cause it will ruin the story) and he gets his powers back.
And here's were I say GOD DAMMIT NOT AGAIN!!!!!! Oh great he's back to start killing off other people with abilities.
Though the title for third Season is "Villains" So hopefully Sylar will FINALLY die!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Questions Of The Week
Black Humor! It's Not Funny Anymore!!
Here's were I get confused, If everyone knows it's going to be a huge flop. Then why do they go to see it. I can understand if your doing a movie review (But thats just cause you have to go, hell your getting payed for it), but if your retarded friend who has HORRIBLE taste in movies went ans saw it and thought it was an absolute laughfest, Don't go watch it! I'm pretty sure if you do go see it you'll come out 10% less intelligent than when you walked in.
________________________________________________________4:41 AM by: CHRIS
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Star Trek!
CS: You've said that you didn't start out as an uber-fan of "Star Trek," but you quickly became a fan. Can you talk in general terms about what you fell in love with about the whole franchise?
Abrams: I fell in love with the relationships between the characters. I fell in love with the characters. The idea of – it's so funny because you hear something so often and it loses it's meaning. But "space, the final frontier" – if you actually consider space as uncharted territory there's something about the idea of these people, because any ship flying by isn't going to get you excited. It's who's on the ship that matters. I feel like these characters actually going out into that nothingness and finding something is great. Having lived with it now and gotten to know the characters and worked with amazing actors who portrayed them, it made me fall in love with that notion, that idea that for some reason never struck me the way that "Twilight Zone" did.
When I first saw the "really" short trailer for this movie, of course I was a little bit skeptical of how it would be able to play with all the others. Seeing as how Shatner will never do this franchise again and Nemoy is why to old to play Spock. But, being a fan of J.J's previous film "Cloverfield" I should be more faithful to his style.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Monkeys in Space !?
I was a huge fan of the first Shrek so this movie looks to be a promising fun kids movie, that maybe I might enjoy aswell. If they don't ruin it by making a sequel.
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Day the Earth Stood Still
At first I thought it was a trailer for Akira (the movie!!). But I was awesomely mistaken.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Hancock Review (SPOILERS)

Friday, July 4, 2008
Will Bootlegging Bring Movie sales to a hult in the coming future?
"bootlegging in the United States, the illegal distribution or production of liquor and other highly taxed goods. First practiced when liquor taxes were high, bootlegging was instrumental in defeating early attempts to regulate the liquor business by taxation. After the appearance of local and state option, those areas that voted to prohibit liquor were supplied with bootlegged liquor. There was also considerable smuggling from foreign countries in order to evade customs duties. In the period of prohibition (1920-33) these activities increased greatly, and by 1930 they were well organized as a large illegitimate industry. Certain areas were dominated by gangs that fought to defend or extend their territory. Infamous gangsters such as Al Capone in Chicago and Legs Diamond in New York City were heavily involved in bootlegging. The retail outlet in the prohibition period was the speakeasy, though a house-to-house delivery system to established customers was also well developed."
To be perfectly honest I had no idea that bootlegging started so far back (but the name had to come from somewhere), or that it had to do with liquor.
Nowadays the term "Bootlegging" has to do with stealing movies and posting them on the internet. I do not appreciate what this does (or will do) to the film industry. I'm going into this industry so I'm appalled at the lack of respect they give the movie theaters.
What do you people have no patience you cant wait for it to come out on DVD! or you cant spend $20 bucks or a movie? Instead you feel the need to download it for free and not have to spend money! (CHEAP ASS!!!)
Plus do you guys not realize that thats illegal.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Is the Internet Destroying Cinema?
The main premise of the film (or at least what I could make out from the Teaser) was that in 1945, the "Nazi's" lauched shuttles to the Moon. They then colonize on it, and in 2018 they will come back.
I'm not to big on German Nazi Propaganda like this, but the film looks very stylized and looks a lot like a film from the 40's being filmed in the future. Now, I know for a fact that a lot of people are going to be horribly offended at this film though I hope people aren't close-minded enough to at least give this InterFilm a chance.
But all this is leading me to this one important subject. Like the title says is the Internet bringing the Movie Theater sales to a halt. I'm seeing a lot of websites that show the movie as they are coming out (I won't name any of the websites cause I like to watch the tv shows they have on there).
Hey what can I say, I'm not made of money. How am I supposed to buy every season of my favorite shows when they run for $40-$60 a Season (Forget that Shit!). But they do cause a problem for the Movie Theaters, if things keep going the way they are the movie theaters will go out of business cause everyone is now watching them at home instead at the theater.
I for one love going to the theater and watching a good movie on the Big screen with a group of my closest friends and then hanging out for the rest of the night. All these Internet Movie's are in my eye's, an abomination of the art. Oh sure it's easy for all you who have a perfect working Computer and great internet. But for those of us who have Shitty computers and can't even watch things on Youtube. It'll be tough on us to watch these InterFilms. Plus who would want to hang out at a friends house and uncomfortably watch a movie on a 17" computer screen.
Not Me!
So what do you all think? Would you prefer to watch the movie at home or would you watch it with friends on the big screen. Remember you'd still have to pay to watch them either way.