Friday, July 4, 2008

Will Bootlegging Bring Movie sales to a hult in the coming future?

Thanks to those guys over at

"bootlegging in the United States, the illegal distribution or production of liquor and other highly taxed goods. First practiced when liquor taxes were high, bootlegging was instrumental in defeating early attempts to regulate the liquor business by taxation. After the appearance of local and state option, those areas that voted to prohibit liquor were supplied with bootlegged liquor. There was also considerable smuggling from foreign countries in order to evade customs duties. In the period of prohibition (1920-33) these activities increased greatly, and by 1930 they were well organized as a large illegitimate industry. Certain areas were dominated by gangs that fought to defend or extend their territory. Infamous gangsters such as Al Capone in Chicago and Legs Diamond in New York City were heavily involved in bootlegging. The retail outlet in the prohibition period was the speakeasy, though a house-to-house delivery system to established customers was also well developed."

To be perfectly honest I had no idea that bootlegging started so far back (but the name had to come from somewhere), or that it had to do with liquor.

Nowadays the term "Bootlegging" has to do with stealing movies and posting them on the internet. I do not appreciate what this does
(or will do) to the film industry. I'm going into this industry so I'm appalled at the lack of respect they give the movie theaters.

What do you people have no patience you cant wait for it to come out on DVD! or you cant spend $20 bucks or a movie? Instead you feel the need to download it for free and not have to spend money! (CHEAP ASS!!!)

Plus do you guys not realize that thats illegal.

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