This very confrontational idea came to me while watching a video of those great guys over at The Movie Blog.
The Idea is simply this, Are the 3 big name directors (Tarantino, Lucas, Spielberg) losing their love for directing films. Lucas and Tarantino for the most part seem to do nothing but put there name on a movie and they get most of the fame and money from the success of the film. Since I am a student of film making I don't see the logic in this.
If you grow up and always wanted to direct films, then why stop!? I can understand Lucas stopping since he has the multi-million dollar Lucasfilm, Skywalker Sound, THX. And the continued support from the Star Wars Re-released DVDs.
Tarantino's movie career has spread far and wide. However, his recent release could use some toning up (Grindhouse). And now his next film to which he has nothing to do with (hell Ride) kind of gets me somewhere between my nut sack and my colon. I would understand if your financing the film but I still don't get why he doesn't just make it himself instead of having someone else do it for you and just slapping your name on it for publicity sake.
Spielberg I really have no problem with, he never did anything like those other two mentioned earlier. He directed every movie that had his name on it. This I respect about the man (even if some of his movies weren't my favorite).
Now I'm not saying that I won't watch any of their movies anymore, I'm just saying that I've lost a lot of respect or them as directors.
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