The Reason I put halo as the number 10 is because no one wants to touch the rights to this game. I don’t think this will ever make it to the majestic silver screen for this one reason: Apparently its hard to have a story around someone who almost never talks and you never see his face. Uh! HELLO!!! If the main character just does what he does without spitting huge amounts of exposition then that’s probably the great main character in the history of film (in my eyes anyways).

This game has one of the coolest premise of any game since golden eye. Just the idea is interesting, One man taking down terrorist organizations by using the shadows, come on! That kicks so much ass!!

I remember playing this game on my old ass windows computer. If this game was made into a movie you can have so many sequels to this movie explaining different factors of NOD or GDI. Plus if they work closely with the creators they could come up with really amazing stuff.

This is one of those games that you thought was going to be a horrible game, but once I started playing this game I realized that it amazing visuals would translate well to the big screen. Plus it lets people know that Indians are still important in some ways.

Yes, I am aware that they are making this game into a movie, seeing as how I’ve left a very long comment on practically every movie new website out there explaining how the director is an idiot and how I’m never going to see any of his movies ever again. Why? Because putting a love story into the original Redemption story has got to be the stupidest move this director could make! I think this movie will flop but here’s hoping for another adaptation sometime in the future.

Not only did this game looks absolutely breathtaking but the music was fantastic. The storyline kept me interested as well. The story follows a man named Edward Carnby who cant remember has past. He gets thrown into the madness when he mets this old man and a woman. And Plus I believe I found the perfect person to play Edward Carnby, his name is Collin Cunningham (He starred in Stargate Sg-1)--->

The visuals in this game are enough to tell you that this game would make an excellent movie. The story is strange and has a hint of dark wonder imbedded within it.

I wont say much about the gameplay but the storyline fits between the Lord of the Rings Franchise and Narnia. If they can convey they story without getting to close the fore mentioned criteria it could work.

This was something that suck with me since it’s release to the NES. Not only does this game have the potential to bring a new face to the franchise, it could boost for yet another games release. Plus you can bring yet another lead female role to the screen. (but hopefully they choose correctly) God, If they put any of the Resident Evil girls in this I’ll be pissed!!

I gave the Number one spot A lot of thought, and my co-host all agree with it. This game SHOULD be made into a film. Now, I say this in all seriousness. There is no love story in this game. It hints to it but it never goes anywhere. If the writer or director pulls a love story out of there ass and puts it in this movie. I will go on a killing strike!!! This game has the most beautiful visuals in any game I’ve played. And not only that but the storyline is actually original, and it has a true science fiction untune that just pulls me in more and more as it progresses through the story. Think Vanilla Sky meets Kingdom of Heaven.
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