Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Is the Internet Destroying Cinema?

Something caught my eye a while ago. A friend over at themovieblog told me that a online film is in the middle of production. The InterFilm (like it, it's a new word) the film is called Iron Sky (From the creators of Star Wreck) and to be honest if it wasn't for him I probably never would have even heard of this.

The main premise of the film (or at least what I could make out from the Teaser) was that in 1945, the "Nazi's" lauched shuttles to the Moon. They then colonize on it, and in 2018 they will come back.

I'm not to big on German Nazi Propaganda like this, but the film looks very stylized and looks a lot like a film from the 40's being filmed in the future. Now, I know for a fact that a lot of people are going to be horribly offended at this film though I hope people aren't close-minded enough to at least give this InterFilm a chance.

But all this is leading me to this one important subject. Like the title says is the Internet bringing the Movie Theater sales to a halt. I'm seeing a lot of websites that show the movie as they are coming out (I won't name any of the websites cause I like to watch the tv shows they have on there).

Hey what can I say, I'm not made of money. How am I supposed to buy every season of my favorite shows when they run for $40-$60 a Season (Forget that Shit!). But they do cause a problem for the Movie Theaters, if things keep going the way they are the movie theaters will go out of business cause everyone is now watching them at home instead at the theater.

I for one love going to the theater and watching a good movie on the Big screen with a group of my closest friends and then hanging out for the rest of the night. All these Internet Movie's are in my eye's, an abomination of the art. Oh sure it's easy for all you who have a perfect working Computer and great internet. But for those of us who have Shitty computers and can't even watch things on Youtube. It'll be tough on us to watch these InterFilms. Plus who would want to hang out at a friends house and uncomfortably watch a movie on a 17" computer screen.

Not Me!

So what do you all think? Would you prefer to watch the movie at home or would you watch it with friends on the big screen. Remember you'd still have to pay to watch them either way.

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