The reason for this is because the books give more insight and more information, and explain the story in more detail than the games ever could.
Don't get me wrong I love playing the games. It's just how they go about the story in the games that bug me, they seem to like to hold onto a linear story plot and never let go. (i.e. The Flood)
Now to mention, Reach! Ok! This I am excited about only because IT'S REACH!! They are finally gonna tell that story. But here is where my excitement ends. I know for a fact that they will most likely stick to only one particular storyline and they will never explain the whole story like the book did. I don't see why they can't, Bungie is big enough now to create a vastly awesome LONG game (their games tend to be very short, my little brother Ryan beat all four games in less then two days.)Sidenote: The Flood are the stupidest characters they have ever introduced to the games (Even in the first one). They are just lame. It's funny how the completely forgot about them when making ODST.
I know that making a game that immense would cost a load of money and time to make but the fans can wait (and trust me they will buy it, I would.) Seeing as how it's not a film that has to be a length of 2 hours, a game like this shouldn't have such time restrictions.
Reach is such a big planet, why would you only tell a story that would last only 16 hours of gameplay, when you could create something that lasts weeks! Maybe if they start a thing with microsoft to ship out one story but when you buy it you can later download more and more of the storyline from Bungie. that way they can keep the story of Reach going, while making money.
I know people will hate me for this, but I will always live by my philosophy which is "To never sacrifice Story just for an easy buck."
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