In 2006, Arad resigned his position as CEO of Marvel studios to form his own company, Avi Arad Productions. He still acts as executive producer on all Marvel films and television projects.
With his own company, it appears that he is targeting video game adaptations with this Mass Effect project as well as a film based on the Lost Planet video game, which was confirmed this summer.
Mass Effect was developed by Bioware, the creators of the super-successful Knights of the Old Republic (the best Star Wars game ever!!). It is published by Electronic Arts (EA) and was released exclusively on the Xbox 360 console and later the PC.
I would actually love to see this made into a movie. Me and my other Co-host (who refuses to do any podcasts with me, sorry folks) Jeremy were arguing about which game they should make into a movie and this one was on the top of the list. To be honest I was never to big on the idea of a Film "Adaptation" of a Video Game. So many things can go horribly wrong, awful casting, a bad story, neck-breakingly horrific graphics, and (The Kicker!!) Cliché Dialogue.
Of course it has it's flaws, but every game and movie does. I just hope they don't screw it up like they always do. But at least we have Arad on our side. Then again, he did Fuck us over when he said that Galacticus wasn't going to be a storm cloud!! and that spider-man 3 was going to be better then the first two!!!
That's like saying that George Lucas can make a Serious, Dark, and Awesome Star Wars trilogy. You've lost your touch after 4 thru 6. HA!!! (I hope I don't get sued hhaa haha...)