To be honest, I always liked He-Man even the one back when I was little, In Fact, that’s the one that I remember as being the best. And it got me thinking, why do people always like “The Good Guys” the guys who think that doing the right thing is the best way. Why do they never like telling the story of the bad guys.
Why has no one told this story? This story has the potential to be SO much more dark, and be told to a more mature and intellectual audience. Why do they have to have such an Amoral value to them. I mean he has got to be on the A list of original villains, along with others likes Shredder and Darth Vader, but one wants to touch this kid friendly franchise and turn it into something with such a grand scheme it rival’s that of 300 on a Epic Scale.
But, No one dares touch it. This I will never understand. Oh sure, they are coming out with an all new CGI He-Man but in the long run it will inevitably flop. Why you ask!? Well let me explain,
1) If it isn’t executed right then everyone will hate it.
2) If it’s to kid-friendly, no adult will EVER want to go see that! Not to mention that kid shows are getting more and more retarded.
3) The concept of them making a new one is absurd in my mind, It’s to late to get kids interested in an old TV character.
4) I’m getting really sick and tired of the whole “Kiddy mind manipulation” they pull in kids shows these days, you know what I’m talking about, He’s a nerdy kid who suddenly has the power of Greyskull, and he turns into this giant muscle bound hero. Please, I grew out of the bullshit “Kiddy Propaganda” when I was 7.
To me, Skeletor has always been a more interesting character then He-Man. He-Man is nothing more then your average Muscle hero who always seems to win over every obstacle that gets thrown his way. I really HATE that! I always wanted to know how Skeletor came to be the way he is, and why he does what he does. And I know that there has to be some back story as to why he hates He-Man so much, And I know a lot of you are going to say “It’s because Skeletor is evil, and He-Man has to stop his evil ways etc etc!” Well, you know what!? Some of us don’t buy that “Saturday Morning Bullshit!”
You want to know what I think happened. What if He-Man and Skeletor were once friends, and then one day He-Man up and decides that (younger, not bony) Skeletor is getting to powerful for his own good and betrays Young Skeletor in the midst of battle and leaves him for dead. But he survives and seeks revenge for his brethrens betrayal. Of course, He-Man being the arrogant, and cocky bastard that he is, denies it and continues to try and silence Skeletor from revealing the truth.
Please tell me what you think they should do to the He-Man Franchise, Continue it or dismiss it?