For one thing people need to take into account that I'm not talking about Copyrighting, I'm talking about if they show a video at Comic Con or any other place then why cant people show them on the Internet for all those who never had a chance to go to such events.
Now, I know, that a lot of movie corporations don't want that sort of stuff leaked out to soon. But as someone who doesn't have the money or the time to go to those sort of things I wish that the Corporations would be a little more lenient on the matter.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008

If You haven't watched the show, DON'T READ any further. There are no spoilers but I do explain a lot of what happens with the (So-called) villain of the show.
Now, I know this isn't a movie but I can't help but talk about this show. Why?
Because it's pissing me off as to how repetitive this show is. Let me explain:
SEASON 1: A man named Gabriel Grey (aka Sylar) kills everyone how could have made a good character in the story. Every attempt at killing him gets foiled, even when they do have him he somehow manages to escape and kill more people (at this point I was extremely aggravated at the creators for being so stupid). So but the end of the season all my assumptions about the second series being lamer then this one were set.
SEASON 2: Sylar is Back but he doesn't have his powers anymore cause they gave him so kind of virus that will eventually kill him. But for some reason they keep showing his story throughout the entire 11 episodes of the season, with these two mexican people (Maya and her brother who eventually dies) but either why I hate their stupid storyline. Then by the end of the season he injects himself with something (I'm not saying what it is cause it will ruin the story) and he gets his powers back.
And here's were I say GOD DAMMIT NOT AGAIN!!!!!! Oh great he's back to start killing off other people with abilities.
Though the title for third Season is "Villains" So hopefully Sylar will FINALLY die!!
Because it's pissing me off as to how repetitive this show is. Let me explain:
SEASON 1: A man named Gabriel Grey (aka Sylar) kills everyone how could have made a good character in the story. Every attempt at killing him gets foiled, even when they do have him he somehow manages to escape and kill more people (at this point I was extremely aggravated at the creators for being so stupid). So but the end of the season all my assumptions about the second series being lamer then this one were set.
SEASON 2: Sylar is Back but he doesn't have his powers anymore cause they gave him so kind of virus that will eventually kill him. But for some reason they keep showing his story throughout the entire 11 episodes of the season, with these two mexican people (Maya and her brother who eventually dies) but either why I hate their stupid storyline. Then by the end of the season he injects himself with something (I'm not saying what it is cause it will ruin the story) and he gets his powers back.
And here's were I say GOD DAMMIT NOT AGAIN!!!!!! Oh great he's back to start killing off other people with abilities.
Though the title for third Season is "Villains" So hopefully Sylar will FINALLY die!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Questions Of The Week
Why the Sudden Rise In Retarded Movie Viewers?
Black Humor! It's Not Funny Anymore!!
Here's were I get confused, If everyone knows it's going to be a huge flop. Then why do they go to see it. I can understand if your doing a movie review (But thats just cause you have to go, hell your getting payed for it), but if your retarded friend who has HORRIBLE taste in movies went ans saw it and thought it was an absolute laughfest, Don't go watch it! I'm pretty sure if you do go see it you'll come out 10% less intelligent than when you walked in.
________________________________________________________4:41 AM by: CHRIS
My biggest concern in the movie audiences of today is that people don't care for the subtle moments in movies, all they want is nonstop action. When infact if the movie was nonstop action it would get repeditive relatively quickly. and you need to let the audience have a breather every now and then. I for one love action type movie's that make you have to sit and think about what happened by the end of the movie. I'm not like most retards out there who need the plot of the movie to be spelled out using queue cards of hugely over-acted exposition.
It's almost as if you need nonstop action just keep their attention on the screen, cause God Knows! If, for just a second, there is a subtle moment in the movie they might shift their attention to the floor, or the dude with weird hair in front of them.
Black Humor! It's Not Funny Anymore!!
Ok, i will admit, Black humor was funny in the early to mid 90's. But not anymore! With the coming of Eddie Murphy. We all laughed at his Fat Black man jokes. and then came Chris Tucker and Chris Rock. I'm not a big fan of either of these two, but they were great for their time. Nowadays black humor just isn't funny to average movie watcher. I mean, racist jokes were at the time really funny. But know it's just to embarrassing to say anything unless your a black dude. Cause if a white dude says a black joke then automatically he's catagorized as a Racist. So if that's true then if a Black dude says a White joke, then shouldn't we assume that that's also a Racist joke, and that he should also be considered a racist!?
With the release of Scary Movie 3 and 4, and following their pitiful success came some the biggest idiotic failure of those years, such as: Epic Movie, Superhero Movie, Meet the Spartans, and now coming ever closer to it's release, Disaster movie.
Here's were I get confused, If everyone knows it's going to be a huge flop. Then why do they go to see it. I can understand if your doing a movie review (But thats just cause you have to go, hell your getting payed for it), but if your retarded friend who has HORRIBLE taste in movies went ans saw it and thought it was an absolute laughfest, Don't go watch it! I'm pretty sure if you do go see it you'll come out 10% less intelligent than when you walked in.
________________________________________________________4:41 AM by: CHRIS
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Star Trek!
This info comes to you from our good friends over at
CS: You've said that you didn't start out as an uber-fan of "Star Trek," but you quickly became a fan. Can you talk in general terms about what you fell in love with about the whole franchise?
Abrams: I fell in love with the relationships between the characters. I fell in love with the characters. The idea of – it's so funny because you hear something so often and it loses it's meaning. But "space, the final frontier" – if you actually consider space as uncharted territory there's something about the idea of these people, because any ship flying by isn't going to get you excited. It's who's on the ship that matters. I feel like these characters actually going out into that nothingness and finding something is great. Having lived with it now and gotten to know the characters and worked with amazing actors who portrayed them, it made me fall in love with that notion, that idea that for some reason never struck me the way that "Twilight Zone" did.
When I first saw the "really" short trailer for this movie, of course I was a little bit skeptical of how it would be able to play with all the others. Seeing as how Shatner will never do this franchise again and Nemoy is why to old to play Spock. But, being a fan of J.J's previous film "Cloverfield" I should be more faithful to his style.
CS: You've said that you didn't start out as an uber-fan of "Star Trek," but you quickly became a fan. Can you talk in general terms about what you fell in love with about the whole franchise?
Abrams: I fell in love with the relationships between the characters. I fell in love with the characters. The idea of – it's so funny because you hear something so often and it loses it's meaning. But "space, the final frontier" – if you actually consider space as uncharted territory there's something about the idea of these people, because any ship flying by isn't going to get you excited. It's who's on the ship that matters. I feel like these characters actually going out into that nothingness and finding something is great. Having lived with it now and gotten to know the characters and worked with amazing actors who portrayed them, it made me fall in love with that notion, that idea that for some reason never struck me the way that "Twilight Zone" did.
When I first saw the "really" short trailer for this movie, of course I was a little bit skeptical of how it would be able to play with all the others. Seeing as how Shatner will never do this franchise again and Nemoy is why to old to play Spock. But, being a fan of J.J's previous film "Cloverfield" I should be more faithful to his style.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Monkeys in Space !?
When I first saw the giant poster for this movie I was a little skeptical of how it would play out, but watching the trailer got me to change my opinion of the movie.
I was a huge fan of the first Shrek so this movie looks to be a promising fun kids movie, that maybe I might enjoy aswell. If they don't ruin it by making a sequel.
I was a huge fan of the first Shrek so this movie looks to be a promising fun kids movie, that maybe I might enjoy aswell. If they don't ruin it by making a sequel.
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Day the Earth Stood Still
I saw this trailer when I went to see Hancock, now I'm not big on old movie remakes (War of the Worlds) but this movie looks awesome. I was browsing through my old movie collection and I found my original DVD classic copy of "The Day The Earth Stood Still" I've been waiting for someone to finally make a better "Remake"
At first I thought it was a trailer for Akira (the movie!!). But I was awesomely mistaken.
At first I thought it was a trailer for Akira (the movie!!). But I was awesomely mistaken.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Hancock Review (SPOILERS)

The audio version will be up shortly.
This movie to me, defined the difference in most Super Hero movies. most super hero movie are uplifting, and momentous. Hancock was neither. It was dark and to be honest very human.
This movie is on my top 5 favorite super hero movie of all time. Why, well the visuals for one thing, though they were noticeable in some parts of the movie (like the jail scene when Hancock jumps over the fence then back again). The story was semi-original and funny. In the story it showed that no all heroes are born or brought up with the mentality of being a great Super Hero. Plus they explain the mythology of their race good enough that they really don't have to show a flashback (Damn you Family guy and your stupid flashback jokes in every single episode!!!)
The storyline dragged in so many places, it felt like you could easily go and take a piss, or go to get a refill and when you'd come back you wouldn't have missed anything (I know cause about halfway through I had to take a leak.) OH! And the cinematography in this film was horrendous. Ok, I'm not to big on the whole every shot his to be on a dolly, but when every single shot in the movie is shaking (so bad that I cant even se what going on in the scene) is way to much.
All-in-all its a great film just don't mind the shaking and you'll do alright.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Will Bootlegging Bring Movie sales to a hult in the coming future?
Thanks to those guys over at
"bootlegging in the United States, the illegal distribution or production of liquor and other highly taxed goods. First practiced when liquor taxes were high, bootlegging was instrumental in defeating early attempts to regulate the liquor business by taxation. After the appearance of local and state option, those areas that voted to prohibit liquor were supplied with bootlegged liquor. There was also considerable smuggling from foreign countries in order to evade customs duties. In the period of prohibition (1920-33) these activities increased greatly, and by 1930 they were well organized as a large illegitimate industry. Certain areas were dominated by gangs that fought to defend or extend their territory. Infamous gangsters such as Al Capone in Chicago and Legs Diamond in New York City were heavily involved in bootlegging. The retail outlet in the prohibition period was the speakeasy, though a house-to-house delivery system to established customers was also well developed."
To be perfectly honest I had no idea that bootlegging started so far back (but the name had to come from somewhere), or that it had to do with liquor.
Nowadays the term "Bootlegging" has to do with stealing movies and posting them on the internet. I do not appreciate what this does (or will do) to the film industry. I'm going into this industry so I'm appalled at the lack of respect they give the movie theaters.
What do you people have no patience you cant wait for it to come out on DVD! or you cant spend $20 bucks or a movie? Instead you feel the need to download it for free and not have to spend money! (CHEAP ASS!!!)
Plus do you guys not realize that thats illegal.
"bootlegging in the United States, the illegal distribution or production of liquor and other highly taxed goods. First practiced when liquor taxes were high, bootlegging was instrumental in defeating early attempts to regulate the liquor business by taxation. After the appearance of local and state option, those areas that voted to prohibit liquor were supplied with bootlegged liquor. There was also considerable smuggling from foreign countries in order to evade customs duties. In the period of prohibition (1920-33) these activities increased greatly, and by 1930 they were well organized as a large illegitimate industry. Certain areas were dominated by gangs that fought to defend or extend their territory. Infamous gangsters such as Al Capone in Chicago and Legs Diamond in New York City were heavily involved in bootlegging. The retail outlet in the prohibition period was the speakeasy, though a house-to-house delivery system to established customers was also well developed."
To be perfectly honest I had no idea that bootlegging started so far back (but the name had to come from somewhere), or that it had to do with liquor.
Nowadays the term "Bootlegging" has to do with stealing movies and posting them on the internet. I do not appreciate what this does (or will do) to the film industry. I'm going into this industry so I'm appalled at the lack of respect they give the movie theaters.
What do you people have no patience you cant wait for it to come out on DVD! or you cant spend $20 bucks or a movie? Instead you feel the need to download it for free and not have to spend money! (CHEAP ASS!!!)
Plus do you guys not realize that thats illegal.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Is the Internet Destroying Cinema?
Something caught my eye a while ago. A friend over at themovieblog told me that a online film is in the middle of production. The InterFilm (like it, it's a new word) the film is called Iron Sky (From the creators of Star Wreck) and to be honest if it wasn't for him I probably never would have even heard of this.
The main premise of the film (or at least what I could make out from the Teaser) was that in 1945, the "Nazi's" lauched shuttles to the Moon. They then colonize on it, and in 2018 they will come back.
I'm not to big on German Nazi Propaganda like this, but the film looks very stylized and looks a lot like a film from the 40's being filmed in the future. Now, I know for a fact that a lot of people are going to be horribly offended at this film though I hope people aren't close-minded enough to at least give this InterFilm a chance.
But all this is leading me to this one important subject. Like the title says is the Internet bringing the Movie Theater sales to a halt. I'm seeing a lot of websites that show the movie as they are coming out (I won't name any of the websites cause I like to watch the tv shows they have on there).
Hey what can I say, I'm not made of money. How am I supposed to buy every season of my favorite shows when they run for $40-$60 a Season (Forget that Shit!). But they do cause a problem for the Movie Theaters, if things keep going the way they are the movie theaters will go out of business cause everyone is now watching them at home instead at the theater.
I for one love going to the theater and watching a good movie on the Big screen with a group of my closest friends and then hanging out for the rest of the night. All these Internet Movie's are in my eye's, an abomination of the art. Oh sure it's easy for all you who have a perfect working Computer and great internet. But for those of us who have Shitty computers and can't even watch things on Youtube. It'll be tough on us to watch these InterFilms. Plus who would want to hang out at a friends house and uncomfortably watch a movie on a 17" computer screen.
Not Me!
So what do you all think? Would you prefer to watch the movie at home or would you watch it with friends on the big screen. Remember you'd still have to pay to watch them either way.
The main premise of the film (or at least what I could make out from the Teaser) was that in 1945, the "Nazi's" lauched shuttles to the Moon. They then colonize on it, and in 2018 they will come back.
I'm not to big on German Nazi Propaganda like this, but the film looks very stylized and looks a lot like a film from the 40's being filmed in the future. Now, I know for a fact that a lot of people are going to be horribly offended at this film though I hope people aren't close-minded enough to at least give this InterFilm a chance.
But all this is leading me to this one important subject. Like the title says is the Internet bringing the Movie Theater sales to a halt. I'm seeing a lot of websites that show the movie as they are coming out (I won't name any of the websites cause I like to watch the tv shows they have on there).
Hey what can I say, I'm not made of money. How am I supposed to buy every season of my favorite shows when they run for $40-$60 a Season (Forget that Shit!). But they do cause a problem for the Movie Theaters, if things keep going the way they are the movie theaters will go out of business cause everyone is now watching them at home instead at the theater.
I for one love going to the theater and watching a good movie on the Big screen with a group of my closest friends and then hanging out for the rest of the night. All these Internet Movie's are in my eye's, an abomination of the art. Oh sure it's easy for all you who have a perfect working Computer and great internet. But for those of us who have Shitty computers and can't even watch things on Youtube. It'll be tough on us to watch these InterFilms. Plus who would want to hang out at a friends house and uncomfortably watch a movie on a 17" computer screen.
Not Me!
So what do you all think? Would you prefer to watch the movie at home or would you watch it with friends on the big screen. Remember you'd still have to pay to watch them either way.
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